Pentacle's Performance Enhancement Tools

How do I use it?
RAPID is the PET that helps you to ensure that there will be actions as a result of your drumbeat, meeting, workshop or any call you might have.

The actions may be captured during a session and/or at the end of it.

We strongly recommend assigning someone at the start of the session to do this job. This will guarantee that nothing discussed during the session is missed and you can always go back to it at the end of the session to ensure that the actions and those accountable for them, are clear and agreed by everyone. Use the following process:

    • Look for RAPID in the list of places or bring up RAPID from the PETS library.
    • Use StickyNotes for capturing the tasks and the name of each person involved.
    • Write one task per StickyNote.
    • Place the Tasks on the left column of the PET (Chunk - Task - Activity - Outcome)
    • For each activity or task, make it absolutely clear who is:
      • responsible - has the resources and capability to respond
      • accountable - person you are counting on to deliver a specific outcome
      • providing input - contributing to the activities, but not accountable or responsible
      • decision owner - this ensures everyone is clear on who has the final say and is up to speed with all the decisions
A simpler version of this matrix can be used for less complex projects and teams which makes use of two parameters:

    • responsible - has the resources and capability to respond
    • providing input - contributing to the activities, but not accountable or responsible
Do a Spincasting to ensure that everyone is happy with what has been agreed. Start with one person and go down or up the list of People.

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“QUBE, an innovative virtual world from Pentacle The Virtual Business School”
Financial Times


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