Pentacle's Performance Enhancement Tools

Why do I need it?

Have you heard of the Law of Unintended Consequences? E.g. Introducing rabbits into Australia. Unintended consequences occur when our understanding of the situation is low and where the First Law of Change, one change leads to anotheris in operation. In our new world the probability that you fully understand the landscape is lower than previously. Deterministic tools such as PEST and SWOT can mislead. For example, You might think a Strength might be having highly trained staff but a Digital Disrupter with Artificial Intelligence and no highly trained staff would mean that unless you deployed your staff differently they are actually a Weakness.

Many organisations inadvertently sow the seeds of their own destruction in the strategies they initiate.

Because of the LAW OF UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES, which isn't so much a law as a fact. Human beings are designed to be pretty future blind. In addition we are fascinated by the detail of events and rarely recognise bigger patterns, so even if the future is obvious, you may need some help to really see it.

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“QUBE, an innovative virtual world from Pentacle The Virtual Business School”
Financial Times


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