Pentacle's Performance Enhancement Tools

What is it?

A great way to initiate any new activity with your team and stakeholders, especially if there is lots of uncertainty in the goals or methods.

It is about aligning people's expectations for the session, guided by two questions:

1. What are your greatest Hopes - What would you like to achieve/discuss in the session about to start.

2. Your greatest Fears - Your concerns and worries that might happen during the session.

This exercise leads to a group agreement on the agenda for the session and, most importantly, how to de-risk the Fears if they ever come true.

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About QUBE
“QUBE, an innovative virtual world from Pentacle The Virtual Business School”
Financial Times


QUBE is a facilitated, collaboration service that will guarantee you Learn to Transform to achieve your goals faster, cheaper and better with more buy-in.

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