Pentacle's Performance Enhancement Tools

How do I use it?

There are three stages to HopesAndFears

STAGE ONE: Set the frame - Describe what is coming next the scope, the outcomes, the experience

STAGE TWO: Capture the inputs - Let participants contribute their Hopes and Fears

STAGE THREE: Remove emotional distraction - Get participants to lead with ideas on how to avoid or eliminate the Fears in ADVANCE of starting

You should modify the approach to the exercise slightly based on the scenarios covered below.


  • At the start of a session Gather everyone in a circle and share the purpose of the qall. If you can't do it in one or two sentences, you might consider using a 5Ps for briefing everyone
  • Invite the participants to join you at the HopesAndFears board (List of places)
  • Ask them to use StickyNotes to add what they would really like to get out of the session, their Hopes; and what would they like to avoid doing, their Fears
  • Remind them that on QUBE you type first and talk second, and give them a minute or so to do it
  • Ask someone to help you organise the StickyNotes (cluster the ones alike) so you can start de-risking the Fears and then go through the Hopes. A good trick here is to ask someone to lead the Fears and another person to do the same with the Hopes. You can always lead the whole exercise if needed
  • The exercise usually takes 2-5 minutes.

In A Workshop

  • Prepare two flip-charts titled: Greatest HOPES; Greatest FEARS
  • Explain that you wish to gather concrete hopes and concerns from the group
  • Set up small buzz groups (max. 5 people)
  • Ask them to consider the questions from a personal point of view first
  • Once they have established their own Hopes or Fears they need to discuss and agree together the most common or relevant one/two to present back to the group
  • Together they need to work to remove the fears before creating an agenda out of the Hopes. (You may find FixItNow is useful for dealing with the fears)
  • The exercise usually takes 3 - 15 minutes.

In A Meeting

  • If it is a frequent meeting and the team is bonded and inclusion is high you can simply ask for the Hopes&Fears of each individual and capture them directly.

Phone call/ Conference Call/ Video meeting

  • Introduce the need to get the most appropriate use out of the call.
  • Start by asking for the "very best outcome envisioned".
  • SpinCast round the group capturing the HOPES.
  • SpinCast for the very worst outcome to capture the FEARS.
  • SpinCast for ways to resolve the fears

(How do I teach this notes)

    (How do I teach this examples)

      (how do I teach this notes)


      (how do I teach this examples)

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      “QUBE, an innovative virtual world from Pentacle The Virtual Business School”
      Financial Times


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