Pentacle's Performance Enhancement Tools

How do I use it?
With the team agree what the end point of the project or phase might be. And imagine you have delivered it (start with a verb). In order to have ....transformed our HR process... delivered a digital workforce.... become an innovative organsiaton....

Then think of all the things you might need to do to make this happen. Chances are you won't really know the detail at this stage but you'll know you need to have explored...identified...researched...tested...

Capture these on StickyNotes with your team. You might want to get the team, one by one, to shout out their thoughts (this will help avoid duplication).

Once done put them in the order you might do them starting with the early activities to the left. There's a good chance though that these activities are still quite vague...e.g. researched what other organisations are doing

If so, then take this first sticky and copy it to a new blank StickySteps...In order to have researched what other organisations are doing we must have.....identified who we would like to be...arranged a meeting/visit...etc. These then start to become actionable and assignable... use StickySteps-Scheduling to then agree who will do what by when.

Once tasks are complete go back to your original StickySteps plan, check it still makes sense (you may have learned things that will change some of it) and then take the next high level action and REPEAT

Keep Checking and Repeating until you're project is delivered

(How do I teach this notes)

(How do I teach this examples)

(how do I teach this notes)

(how do I teach this examples)
StickyStepsTM WorkPad Template.pdfStickyStepsTM WorkPad Template.pdf QwikGuide-Teach StickySteps.pdf

About QUBE
“QUBE, an innovative virtual world from Pentacle The Virtual Business School”
Financial Times


QUBE is a facilitated, collaboration service that will guarantee you Learn to Transform to achieve your goals faster, cheaper and better with more buy-in.

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