In 1993 I was seized by an idea. An idea so powerful it grabbed me by the throat, shaking
me and wouldn't let go until I promised to give it life. What if, instead of working for a
hierarchical, non-informatised management college which taught others about 'New World',
lean, flat, customer focused, learning organisations, I instead created a lean, flat,
customer focused, learning organisation which helped others to learn their way towards
business success?
That is how
was born.
So, what is a 'virtual' business school
These days the word 'virtual' means 'having the effect of...without having the traditional form'. Thus VR has the effect of reality without physical objects. I felt though, that a 'virtual' business school should go one step further. It should move away from traditional 'sheep-dip' training (participants are brought into contact with ideas, once they bleat they are moved on) to continuous learning. And the learning must be applied (real problem solution / strategy implementation) AND it should be accessible, not as distance learning (we package up our old case studies and send them to you) but LocaLearningTM (you identify your needs and we mentor, coach and support).
What new things have you done with learning?
We've been trying to create new learning approaches. For example, we created the World's first VR business simulation Columbus. Columbus is a context free simulation which helps managers understand business process re-engineering and management and how to focus their business around customers. The context free design allows business concepts to be learned directly and then translated by the participants into their organisational language and context. Traditional case studies work the other way round, forcing you into their world rather than coming into yours! The relatively small size of VR software means that our simulations can facilitate LocaLearningTM by being delivered down the phone line.
We created The Project Angel, a sort of on-line mentor for one to one learning.
We invented the Electronic Coach or e-coach, a rules based coaching software package, delivered on-line or on CD, which helps managers to diagnose their issues and then overcome them.
We also have Lotus Notes Domino servers to support our continuous learning programmes.
And what about the organisation of your organisation?
Some benchmarks might be interesting: Ratio - Variable costs to fixed costs
Traditional 1:8 Virtual 3:1Ratio - Educators to support
Traditional 1:5 Virtual 6:1Ratio - Knowledge input to skills and application
Traditional 4:1 Virtual 1:2Ratio - New programmes to repeat programmes
Traditional 1:5 Virtual 1:1Well, we think we've done most of it. We now know which bits of theory about New World organisations works and what doesn't.
It's also an interesting experience trying to practice what we teach.What do the clients think?
Clients seem to keep buying so I guess that is good news!
Let me tell you about two situations where our approach has helped open up delivery.
- The first is for a pan European client in the telecommunications industry. One of the big issues is maintaining a co-ordinated set of project activities across the organisation. How can we solve the issues of making our executives learn whilst working on a real day job? How do we get them to directly apply their learning to the delivery of projects geared to improve business performance? What we designed was a nine month long learning event. No, I mean over a nine month period we ran three modular group learning events, supported by our educators and using simulations. The events provided the human glue and the simulations rapidly transferred the knowledge inputs required to sustain participants back in the workplace on their separate sites. Between the group learning events co-ordination of project activities and coaching in implementation was provided using our internet accessible learning platform and Performance Enhancement Tools PETsTM.
- A second we have approached from a different angle. For this one we have given the in-company trainers access to our simulations and electronic coaching software. This allows the development and coaching to be done locally to the participants. It also allows the trainers to be proficient in areas outside their key expertise. You can read more about out assignments here.
What is the hardest part?
LibraryImages/BurkeLodgeTheCocoonBallay/Burkelo2.gif Without a doubt, answering the phone with a name like 'Pentacle The Virtual Business School.'
Copyright Pentacle1997 Eddie Obeng 1994 All rights reservedHits Today: