Pentacle's Performance Enhancement Tools

How do I use it?
Work your way systematically round the diagram either by yourself or in a workshop with your team or stakeholders. Only write in sentences. Write one sentence per StickyNote.

  1. Start with the gap. The gap should be the STATEMENT of the difference between the current situation and the envisaged situation.
  2. Get people to propose how to formulate the gap by writing one StickyNote each.
  3. Read all the suggestions out.
  4. Together try to agree on the wording for the gap (Remember it is a Gap not an objective. The sentence should not contain the words "We need to...")
  5. The next stage is to establish what will happen IF NOT FIXED ...
  6. Then establish what will happen IF FIXED ...
  7. Order the IF NOT FIXED and IF FIXED into an order that tells a story. Check with everyone this sounds correct
  8. Capture WHY NOT FIXED YET?
  9. Now assign costs/values to StickyNotes where you can
  10. Calculate the VALUE AT STAKE (the difference between the totals on IF NOT FIXED ... - IF FIXED ... - Do not double count)
  11. Calculate the costs by totalling the WHY NOT FIXED YET?
  12. Ask everyone to order these based on agreed criteria (easiest, cheapest, most likely to fix the problem). You will end up with an agreed priority order very quickly and can compare the costs of fixing against the value at stake
  13. Turn it into a standard report (IF NOT FIXED = risk, IF FIXED = outcome/benefits etc)

The Report-RouteMap PET will help you fill in any gaps you may have in you're standard report after you've completed the GapLeap

(How do I teach this notes)

(How do I teach this examples)

(how do I teach this notes)
Teaching notes to be added.

Blank PDF: GapLeap.pdfGapLeap.pdf

(how do I teach this examples)
Completed PET:

Gap Analysis.pdf

Presentation showing the build up:

GapLeap New.pptGapLeap New.ppt

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Financial Times


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